Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Urban Dictionary

English is a funny flawed language. But the good thing about it is that it poaches from other languages (tidal waves become tsunamis - well not literally because that would be all kinds of toilet if a tidal wave and a tsunami combined forces ala Voltron) and allows for improvisation and reinvention. Which is why I like to take a break from reading about how to get arms like Michelle Obama and visit the urban dictionary (no caps as it's all urban and shit) to discover new words.

Some of my recent favourites:

1. A man who has more friendships with lesbians than other women or men.
2. A man who befriends lesbians with the intent to seduce them.
Steve is such a lesbro. He doesn't have a chance with those women.

Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males.

A completely worthless conversation, wherein nothing is illuminated, explained or otherwise elaborated upon. Typically occurs at parties, bars or other events where meaningful conversation is nearly impossible.

An internet personality that has attained celebrity.

Social Notworking
The practice of spending time unproductively on social-networking websites, especially when one should be working.

Remote Dance
The movements you make with your hand when trying to get your tv to recognize your remote control.

Laundry Limbo
Intentionally rewashing clothing simply because you don't feel like putting it away.

Lol Theory
The theory that the internet phrase lol,meaning "laugh out loud", can be placed at any part in any sentence and make said sentence lose all credibilty and seriousness.

1. Doc: We need to operate on your colon lol, you have cancer.

2. Jesus: Take this all of you and eat it, it is my body, lol.

3. Man: Will you marry me? Lol.

I feel like we have all learned something. Now back to Michelle Obama's arms...

1 comment:

  1. 1. Doc: We need to operate on your colon lol, you have cancer.

    this by far is my favorite, bro.
