In order to match the mind-bending flurry of Christoper Nolan's Inception I tried to write a review in my sleep. Sadly this is all I managed to type into my computer:
Which isn't really any less insightful or unprofessional than my usual reviews, so I'm sticking with it. I do like the way that my unconscious mind used the little loved \ key. But I'll leave you and Leonardo DiCaprio (regular reader, anonymous commenter), Ellen Page (she is very handy at asking questions to clear up any plot holes), Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy and the legendary Ken Watanabe to work out what the 'f' means (because I sure as hell don't know, I was asleep).
Just don't see this film in the IMAX it will make you sick.
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ReplyDeleteIn terms of a review…. I take your f\ and raise you f\•*_`! ;-O ←if this were a commonly known emoticon you would know it represents a face with mouth screaming, nose squished, eye squinted & head exploding.
ReplyDeleteThis film goes down in my books know as the pinnacle of JUST BECAUSE.
Why does the ambiguous business man own an airline? JUST BECAUSE.
Why after Don & Mal have been asleep for 50 years in dream time (many, many months real time) are they not suffering of malnutrition & overrun by renegade body hair? JUST BECAUSE.
Why did they throw in a cameo character with an outstanding Australian accent? JUST BECAUSE.
Why was the film so entertaining? JUST BECAUSE. (Although the answer to that question may be, the epic zero gravity fight scene, or perhaps it was because it reignited my flame for the anxious, long haired, teenage alien from Third Rock….) I digress.
My point….. perhaps the ‘f’, like the film it is for is JUST BECAUSE.
alternatively - 'f' is for f-udging, f-untastic, f-ighting.... with f-ire.