Post Google, Yahoo!, e-bay, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter everyone is looking for the next big online idea (or how to rip off an existing one, hence my plans to start MyFace) to bring in some easy coin. And I think I just may have cracked
the thing that is going to take the interweb by storm.
Something new, something that has as far as I know never been done before.
I can't give too much away or someone else may beat me to it. And that would just be sad, sad like when the Little Mermaid realises she is a ginger-ninja sad. But if you like the idea and have some capital in these tough times then this could be your next online investment. We'll do things the online way, plough money into it, never make a profit or figure out how to make a profit, but still manage to offload it to Rupert Murdoch or those evil Walt Disney people and let them figure out if it was $4 billion dollars well spent.
Okay so what you do is get a video camera (maybe a few if you want to be all fancy), and then film people having sex and partaking in other sex-related activities, like Monkey Face for instance. Then you post it up and let people watch it via the world wide web. I think you'd call it pron, or porn, or punn, or video-touchey-touch or something like that.
Seriously this shit could be big. It could revolutionise the net which I know is something Al Gore has wanted ever since he invented it back in 1945. It could even be inspiration for The Net 2, a project I know Sandra Bullock wishes she could get off the ground. Problem is, after Speed 2 and Miss Congeniality 2 (and the direct to VHS in Malaysia - While You Were Sleeping
Again) no one trusts her with sequels. Not even McG.
I wanted to post a link, but how do I link to the whole internet? Maybe that's our next business venture?