Tuesday, 30 November 2010

YouTube what did I do without you? From Russia with love

Now this is best Russian tourism campaign ever waged by former President and now Prime Minister Vladamir Putin. Who knew he had time to come up with such revolutionary ideas on his down time from being the Russian speaking equivalent of Chuck Norris.

If only those numpties at Tourism Australia could get their act together and stage something like this for when Oprah is in town next month. Better yet, why don't we feed Oprah mushrooms and release her onto the Iceberg's pool and see what happens. Avert your eyes children, avert your eyes.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Social Network

I wonder how many people have downloaded Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher's The Social Network over the internet? Or if, like me, it forces you to leave the comfort of your laptop-singed, jizz-stained bed sheets and see a film on the big screen at your local cinemaplex. This film has been hailed as everything from Obama's latest evil plan to steal obese kid's gun money to the film of the millennia.

There's no doubting that when you compare it to Showgirls or the Bible it is a great film. It is well paced, has Sorkin's usual dense engaging dialogue and confident performances of Jess Eisenbery and Anderw Garfield (the new Spiderman) and a perfectly cast Justin Timberlake (in his best work since 'Dick in your Box') as the creepy founder of Napster.

The moral of the story? Be a complete a-to-the-hole prepared to knock the back out of friends, colleagues, class mates and any one's privacy you want in order to earn $25 Gorillian dollars.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Friday, 5 November 2010

People of Sydney: Angi Pangi

YouTube what did I do without you? Best Compilation ever.

Okay so it's not from YouTube, but to me YouTube is now like GladWrap is to the cling wrap category. Either way this video truly is the most epic compilation of videos ever known to me and the one other person in the office with me on a Friday afternoon. So there you have it. It's final. Lara and I have spoken.

Thanks Jordan

Things left on the sharing table - human collar

Is this for a man? A woman? A dog? John Travolta? Not sure. But it's free to anyone who happens to pass the Fort Knox like security in my building. I bet it was the old woman in apartment 4. Kinky old bitch.