Just ask long time campaigner Dolly Parton, monkey face is a crisis that is now reaching pandemic proportions. Every nine minutes somewhere on earth someone is given a monkey face. (Or in french: visage de singe. Which sounds much nicer than it actually is.) That's a lot of monkey faces. Way too many if you ask me.
Please help us as we aim to raise awareness and move to reduce the incidences of monkey face by half. That's a goal of half a monkey face every nine minutes (with I guess the other half having to wait a further nine minutes - that's some tantric shit).
It does stand to prove one thing though - the french language manages to make anything sound appealing - even monkey face.
Please help us as we aim to raise awareness and move to reduce the incidences of monkey face by half. That's a goal of half a monkey face every nine minutes (with I guess the other half having to wait a further nine minutes - that's some tantric shit).
It does stand to prove one thing though - the french language manages to make anything sound appealing - even monkey face.